

Bio: From Lithuania but currently living in the United Kingdom and studying at Newcastle university. I am passionate about fashion, dancing and beauty. I love creating unique outfits and makeup looks. I'm also a vegan. And I can not imagine my life without traveling! I could spend the rest of my life exploring new places all around the world. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog!

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330 thoughts on “About

  1. Greetings-
    Just a quick note to thank you for visiting my blog! I love your slices-of-life as you travel the world. I wish you continued success in all your pursuits whereve they make take you…! Kind regards, Carlo

  2. I see ur posts on instagram and I like ur style so much,u r so pretty and attractive,I wish I could see u one day and take a pic with u.
    So much love…Twfiq

  3. Thanks for taking the time to read my writing! I enjoyed browsing your blog as well – you’ve a flair for writing and great photographs to accompany it. Here’s wishing you happy travels and great health ahead!

  4. Hi Akvile,

    I love your style of blogging – with photographs, with words, with adventures and experiences.

    The moments you describe capture events which one whould often oversee – events that one would want to experience, but are lost in the moment – nicely presented in a readable form.

    Thank you for blogging to us, have a nice day!


  5. Thank you so much for finding your way over to my blog and liking my post, I hope that there will be more of my content that you will enjoy.

    I have been looking through your previous posts and added you on Insta, I am loving your looks and fashion and makeup tips. I have already gotten so many outfit ideas and great advice on makeup. I look forward to following your blog in the future.

  6. You have a very interesting blog. You’re very fortunate to have been able to travel to so many beautiful places. I do want to thank you for visiting my blog and liking the post Hail to the Queen. It is much appreciated.

  7. Hello, Akviilee, thanks for stopping by on our blog! Wow, do you come from Lithuania? It’s very far away from where we are. We really hope to be able to go travelling there some day! Salam from Indonesia ๐Ÿ™‚ Have you ever travel to our country?

    1. Hello, thank you so much for reading my blog! Im from Lithuania and if you ever decide to visit my country, definitely contact me! Indonesia is on my list , hopefully I will visit it next year ๐Ÿ™‚

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